even if it hurts.

Here is a link to the DRC Group of Experts report.
Unfortunately, the crucial annexes with proofs of Rwanda involvement have been removed. And it's USA who is guilty of it.
I can understand why and how a delayed publication might help. But anyways, I also past a link to the join NGO call for publication.

The report is difficult to access in its pdf format. Therefore, I encourrage to download it in WORD format.
Here is the link: http://documents.un.org/mother.asp
Symbol: S/2012/348

NGO Coalition Urges Full Disclosure of Evidence Linking Rwanda to Congo's Rebellion
22 June, 2012 - 19:55
The Enough Project joined a coalition of human rights organizations, which includes Open Society Foundation and Humanity United, urging the U.S. government to pressure the U.N. Security Council to release all of the U.N. Group of Expert’s most recent findings related to Congo. In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the groups expressed concern that the publication of a crucial annex linking the government of Rwanda to the M23 mutiny in Congo was being postponed for political reasons.

In addition, DRC MPs have called for an increase of defense 2012 budget...

To quote DRC speaker: "we are not at war with Rwanda but in a broken peace relationship."
I do not know what that means but for me DRC is on the path of war and so is Rwanda. Nothing good will come out of this.