Quote Originally Posted by Old Eagle View Post

WE can't resume training HN militarize & gov'ts to operate solely against their fellow citizens, as the "internal" in FID declares.
Actually, that is not what the "Internal" in FID means. It means what they do internal to their country to defend against threats of all origins, foreign or domestic. But I do agree that we need to make a major change in how we think about building partner capacity designed to primarily keep their own populaces in check (as we are doing so many places in the Middle East, and what the Army is currently hanging a large portion of their rationale for sustaining war fighting force structure in times of peace). Better the smaller efforts that focus primarily on building partner professionalism, which in my opinion is the most noteworthy aspect of what we have been doing in the Philippines in recent years.

The opposite of FID is some notion that one needs to go abroad and pre-emptively attack nations or organizations that they think might attack them some day...