A year or two ago I posted a link to a news story relating to 'problems' Australian forces were reportedly experiencing in Afghanistan. That post of mine was almost instantly deleted by some heavy handed moderator.

The article related to (IIRC) the frustration of Australian infantry deployed in Afghanistan in a non-offensive role which had led, it was reported, to increased drug abuse and even incidences of 'selling sex' (male or female was not specified) among Australian soldiers in theatre.

It appears that the previous two articles I posted links to deal with what should now be confirmed as serious issues among Australian troops.

Parallel to this is the ongoing sex and abuse scandals which never seem to go-away. The latest being:

Australian military abuse detailed in damning report

This follows after the previous report:

Sex scandal hits Australian military

Not picking on the Australian military but by way of an example how does one deal with a military which seems to be in a tail spin? Merely firing the generals may not be enough if the system is rotten to the core.