The word “no” and the phrase “use your own systems “ are like a broken record within my team. Advisors teams have an insatiable urge to “do for” and “pay for”, quite frankly it makes us feel like we’re making progress and getting things done. Only recently (since the start of my team’s tour) has the priority shifted to the “do it yourself” dynamic. It has proven to be quite the problem set with most teams because of the fact previous Advisors “did” and “paid” and now we are not.

In the Afghan mind we are bad advisors because we don’t help and support them. They consistently drop names of other Advisor teams who “did” and “paid” and question why we don’t do the same.

What’s the solution? Continue doing what we are doing. Do not “do” and “pay” anymore. The afghans must be cut loose of the USG umbilical cord once and for all. Yes, our relationships are suffering and will continue to suffer, but…. It is better for them to learn hard lessons while we are still here to help rather than two years from now.

But men, I’m here to tell ya, after eleven years there is still a long long way to go. Corruption is king and there is nothing that can be done about it.