Hello Dr,

You have brought up a very good point. The reason I use the term Fundamentalist is to get away from the western perceptions. To look at UBL and this class of people I would not consider them Jihadists (something they want to be called or seen as) but more of a Hirabist. Through their Persuasive Influence they are molding hearts and minds with the way Islam should be and that is associated with the time of Muhammad during the era of Revelation and Enlightenment when Muslims were the bosses and non-Muslims were subjugated to the concept of Dhimmitude and Tolerance.

To me this is what they want to get back to the Fundamentals=Fundamentalists. I consider UBL and al Qaeda a "Global Insurgency" using Asymmetrical Warfare as its means that has evolved from the traditional models of Terrorism of the 20th century. Their desire is to first rid themselves of the Apostate regimes (reference the Neglected Duty, the Assasination of Anwar Sadat) Secular and Moderate Muslims then establish an Islamic Caliphate (all lands previously conquered at one time or another during the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbisad Caliphates) then the next step would be Global domination.

I believe Mawdudi stated this best "Being Muslim IMPLIES PERPETUAL JIHAD until the whole natural universe is under control and rule of Islam." In 1973 during the The World Assembly of Muslim Youth its founder Sayyid Abdulla al Mawdudi stated, “Jews, the source of the conflict, and Christians, enemies of Islam should be rendered into submission, Islam not only seeks the World, it demands the Universe”.