"militia" is a term that has been hi-jacked by several groups of disgruntled wantabes who spend their weekends camping out with their buddies, dressing in camo and playing with rediculous weapons (If America was ever invaded by a professional army, I figure I could take my Ruger 10-22 I bought as a kid and have all the military weapons I needed in short order. Not because I'm John Rambo, but just because it isn't that hard to isolate some REMF and take his gear.)

As to the existence of formal militias that are not part of the federally supported National Guard, I know Oregon has one, and I suspect many other states do as well.

When the Constitution was written it had been the law of the land for nearly 200 years that every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45 (or there abouts) was required to be a member of the militia and to bring his own firearm. While this is no longer the case, America is still a land with a large armed male populace that would respond as irregulars if we were ever invaded, and that steps forward to voluteer or fill draftee ranks in times of war. Do we need a more formal system? Probably not. But don't let those who have hi-jacked the term of late lead you to believe that that is what a militia truly is all about.