Ok, A few points.

1. The Taliban and GIRoA share the same religion. This is not about religion, it is about power. We tipped the scales so that the naturally more powerful party was displaced by the weaker. Then we enabled the weaker to create a form of government designed to elevate and centralize patronage, allowing them to exercise an unnatural degree of control across the country in an effort to preserve a monopoly that would keep those affiliated with the ousted party from being able to worm their way back in. Once that was done the revolutionary insurgency began to grow. Once we began countering the revolution it led to the growth of the resistance.

As to the US, yes, the fight was "the final argument of kings" but still, the revolution was not about the ideas being advanced, it was the intolerable situation being challenged. The new ideas did, however, lead to a growing sense of discontent with a system that had been in place for generations. Kind of a chicken or egg argument. Bottom line is that the populace in the new world evolved to the point where the status quo of British governance was no longer adequate and the British were unwilling to evolve to meet those new requirements. We see the same dynamic across the Middle East today with the Arab Spring movement.