Quote Originally Posted by Wyatt View Post
I dont understand why you seem to revel in perceived failures of our military or the wars they get tasked with. We havent done everything right but we certainly have not failed at everything either. You lost your war and your country, musta sucked. No one here makes any attempt to drag you through that over and over again.
You must work on your comprehension skills.

My comments seldom if ever relate to the US military as a force.

US soldiers have been placed in a position to be humiliated by the politicians on a regular basis.

On balance on after the fact results - due to political decision making - US foreign policy results have been largely negative. This is sad.

What is even more sad is that the double whammy response by many USians that somehow having among the most inept politicians in the world is worn like proof that the military will always be subordinate to the civil authority and that to reach general staff in the US one has to have - not a labotomy - to sacrifice their balls. Somehow these things are good?

Rhodesia was not my country but I was happy then and remain happy now to have served there in their time of need.

I will pass on responding to the childish retort about losing the war.

In fact the war was going well right up to the political settlement and the numbers of insurgents were swelled a majority of semi-trained or untrained rabble which we were dispatching on an industrial scale. After the war they (ZANLA) admitted that their losses were unsustainable. It was Jimmy Carter who saved their ass by refusing to recognise the Muzorewa government. But then you knew all this didn't you.

Now can we get back to the current foreign policy cock-up of the US as it plays out in Syria?