Quote Originally Posted by Infanteer View Post
CQB is a "SME" empire built on police tactics entirely inappropriate for conventional operations in populated areas.
Then there are the police tactics inappropriate for the police too. I was taught a very involved, complicated way of handcuffing people. Boy did I sweat over getting every step right. That is until an old Captain said if you do that you are just going to piss them off and then they might fight you. He said just ask them to turn around and put their hands behind their back and before they could figure out what was going on, click click and you were done. You took advantage of that moment of confusion.

The thing was, the complicated method was meant (I think) for really dangerous guys who were covered with a gun by one officer while a second went though the evolution, the kind of thing the SWAT guys did. But the SWAT guys controlled most of the training so they taught what they knew even though it mostly didn't work.

(I hope that story has some application to the discussion.)