
Nigerians see the need to renegotiate the basis for continued unity:

The call for the convocation of a National Sovereign Conference (SNC) to discuss issues affecting the country and the terms of our togetherness increases almost by the passage of each day. However, there are those who are not favourably disposed to the idea because they view the idea of calling for a sovereign conference as a challenge to the sovereignty of the Nigerian state.

To get the perspective of Nigerians on this matter, the Nigerian Tribune conducted an opinion poll on the desirability or otherwise of an SNC. The poll result shows that many Nigerians support the idea of having a conference to discuss the future of the country.

Out of the 634 people who participated in the poll on our website, www.tribune.com.ng, 484 of the respondents, representing 76.3 per cent, voted in favour of having a sovereign conference. On the other hand, 130 respondents (20.5 per cent) voted against it, while 20 people (3.2 per cent) voted 'I don't know.'

The same question was posted on the Nigerian Tribune Facebook page to enable people comment on their responses. Excerpts of the comments are presented below.

If it isn't done peacefully now, it will be done violently in the near future. The window of opportunity is closing fast and the 2015 elections are an important watermark.