So now we must dogmatically cling to what dictionaries tell us? LMFAO at that. I prefer to rely on the reality of the matter, and the reality is as I described revolution, not as your dictionary defines them. I would expect such an argument from a SAMS graduate, but I expect a bit more willing to think outside the lines from you.

When I say "populaces of the Middle East" that is plural. If I wanted to lump them into one homogeneous blob as you suggest I would have said "the populace of the Middle East." But of course I didn't say that. The many diverse populaces of the Middle East are evolving and demanding more of government. The facts support that. The many diverse populaces of Saudi Arabia are no exception, no matter how much their government and ours likes to hope and pretend they are.

Etc, etc. Your counter points are all equally groundless attempts to twist my meanings to fit the points you want to argue against. Not sure what to do with that. I do, however, stand by the positions made in my original post. If you actually want to discuss those, I am happy to do so.