Posted by Dayuhan,

Contain, manage, and wait for it to rot out from the inside seems to me a much more viable strategy.
It seems the South Korean government is quite content to let their fellow Koreans in the north starve as long as it doesn't disrupt their economic miracle. With the exception a few Christian activist groups no one seems to care for the average North Korean.

The world will probably keep pumping just enough money into the DPRK to keep it on life support, of course that dooms millions of North Koreans to a terrible life under a corrupt regime. Definitely not advocating for U.S. intervention, at least directly, but hopefully their is a moral aspect to our policy objectives.

There is also the question about what happens if the DPRK does collapse. Does a failed state with weapons of mass destruction present a threat to regional security or is it over played? Can the problems simply be contained with a little extra border security until they work it out on their own? Would China and S. Korea make a power grab? I just hope we come up with something more intelligent than clear, hold and build.