Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
How Disruptive Thinking is rewarded ...
It wasn't disruptive thinking, it was a simple report of a factual situation with recommendations about how to fix it. That is the problem, fact is not recognized, respected and is actually actively suppressed by the military establishment. That is very bad. It is almost as if Baghdad Bob has found a new home.

Another thing that strikes me about this is in the Stars and Stripes story one of the things they used to discredit the report was the kind of language it supposedly used. The called it "unprofessional rhetoric, and sensationalism.” That is what plain speaking is perceived as now by the military establishment. That is very bad too.

JCustis: The phrase "crying over spilled milk" belittles what actually happened. A lethal problem was id'd in its initial stages, the report was suppressed and its author ostracized. Now the report is recognized, many deaths later, but still the author, who may have done more research on this problem than anybody, isn't consulted and instead seems to be frozen out. That isn't good. Even a civilian like me, can see something quite wrong is happening.