Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Does 'European' logic matter?
I intentionally gave you guys the line about logic as a trigger, waiting for the inevitable Pavlov' reaction to follow.
You are utterly predictable.

It's still in fashion to talk up cultural differences, and the pattern of reasoning at SWC is under extreme influence of this fashion.

In short: Yes, European logic does matter, for it's still logic.
I can think of at least two ways how it's logical even for a European to increase attacks and risks when victory is already accepted as a soon-to-come certainty. Didn't want to play devil's advocate to myself, and I guess you guys won't come up with such an explanation.

There's actually something to be learnt from it, that is, if the information is correct and the seemingly paradox logic does apply.

Feel free to explain mysteries with the universal explanation of "culture" and you won't ever reach that insight.

Think for yourself:
How can it be rational to increase attacks after victory is believed to be certain?

(Assuming for a moment that the public withdrawal intentions did prompt the increased attack activity, which I still consider very unlikely.)