Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
You probably did not identify his bragging because you agreed with him.
He bragged a lot about his past as a NG pilot, for example.
He also bragged about cutting taxes - all the while he did increase the budget (nominal, real and in %GDP) and create a deficit.

The "humble, nice guy one would like to drink a beer with (despite him being a dry alcoholic!) story is an obvious construction of an image. That's a creation of political advisors, sown by surrogates, PR stunts, books and partisan pundits.
Again, I disagree. Bush did not brag about being a National Guard pilot. Talking about it because you are asked about it is not bragging. Bragging about cutting taxes? It was a policy decision. It wasn't cutting taxes that got us into this mess its the spending.

Did you ever think for one second that maybe, just maybe the dude hit a point in his life where he wanted to be a new person? Man, I thought I was cynical. I think you have BDS - Bush Derangement Syndrome. Here's an explanation so you know what you have: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_Derangement_Syndrome

We had deficits/massive debt long before Bush.