My youngest brother enjoyed his Erasmus year in Spain a great deal as Andalusia is beautiful even if very hot in the summer and surprisingly cold inside in wintertime due to a frequent lack of central heating. The rent was payed in black (at least one says so in Italian) and there was an amazing number of local people, especially young people living without regular job, most even without a "regular" black one. The number of high-quality musicians was very high indeed and greatly impressed him, who is quite a talented singer and musician himself. They generally also had more time to excercise then the guy finishing his engineering degree in Munich.

The local dialect is strong and he learned it rather quickly as he lived mostly among the locals. Surprisingly, although it really shouldn't be there were a couple of stereotypes about other Spanish regions and among them the arrogant and know-it-better Catalans. It is of course amusing to observe that the world is a village in this regard both also in Italy with the terroni ( those south Italians ) and polentoni ( I love a good polenta) and the Eurozone as a whole.