Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
As always I totally agree militarily and practically but still cite the political infeasibility of longer tours for both nations. In both nations, the domestic political desirability will always outweigh the military optimum unless there is an existential issue. In Afghanistan (and Iraq) there was no such issue.

Both Armies knew all that so they accepted the rules. That excuses neither Army for not doing a better job of training or placing rotations to maximize the capability attainable. Both could have done a far better job at that but Gurkha's comment about "inflated opinions" allied with super egos interfered...
Ken, I raise this point again - the "C" word - so as to ensure that this critical factor is not lost in the churn of misinformation and the search for reasons for the lack of performance.

I continue to be amused that there are little or no offers of how greater operational continuity could be achieved given the imposed limitations or what improved system could be sold to the idiots in your congress (that would have some chance of success).

...or maybe someone may be willing and able to support the current failed system... (thereby possibly gaining a few "Brownie points" in the process). Any takers?