Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
Many of us continue to be amused at your deliberate 'incomprehension.' As Jon said, you could probably stop Trolling, it's unseemly.
There is of course an opposite to that.

My incomprehension is not in, as you assure me, that attempting to raise and address the obvious weakness in operational continuity would be pointless.

My incomprehension is that the US military in general and the General Staff in particular just accepts this war losing limitation without so much as a whimper.

Do you read your own history?

I remember the day I was ready to go over to the Oval Office and give my four stars to the President and tell him, ‘You have refused to tell the country they cannot fight a war without mobilization; you have required me to send men into battle with little hope of their ultimate victory; and you have forced us in the military to violate almost every one of the principles of war in Vietnam. Therefore, I resign and will hold a press conference after I walk out of your door.’ I made the typical mistake of believing I could do more for the country and the Army if I stayed in than if I got out. I am now going to my grave with that lapse in moral courage on my back.”

General Harold K. Johnson, quoted in Lewis Sorely, ‘To Change a War’,
Parameters, Spring 1998.
You see Ken, just about everyone can rationalize whimping out when confronted by the choice between a display of moral courage and a secure full pension. At least Gen Johnson admits his frailty and expresses regret.

In the meantime shoot the messenger if he makes you feel uncomfortable
