This month, some of America's largest banks became the targets of hackers -- but should we be concerned?

Since Sept 19, the websites for the Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank and PNC Bank have all been hit by denial of service (DoS) attacks. This common online attack directs vast amounts of traffic to a website, causing it to overload and deny normal users from accessing a website entirely -- or slowing it down to the point of being unusable. To bring down large websites, attackers may use botnets to flood a site with requests at the same time.

Verizon Communications Inc. is helping to investigate a series of cyber attacks that have disrupted the websites of the biggest U.S. banks over the past two weeks, a company official said.

Verizon is looking into the attacks, which commandeered commercial servers to overwhelm the sites with traffic, for some of the affected banks and assisting the federal government through the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, said Sean McGurk, managing principal for industrial control systems cybersecurity for the New York-based company and formerly director of the center led by the Department of Homeland Security.