Hey Marc,
You know, 'interesting' is not too far off lately ?

Reza Ramazani, professor and department chairman of economics, reflected on Muslim stereotypes.

“People have this perception that if you are from the Middle East that, number one, you’re Muslim, and number two, that you’re a terrorist or against Western values,” Ramazani said.

Ramazani, originally from Iran, said there is a developing perception that people from the Middle East are evil and are trying to harm people in the U.S.
Just for kicks, I ran a dogpile search (I hate google BTW) on 'reactions to cartoons' and ended up with some real interesting hits:


This one by Marc was...lets say.....how's your last name go again ? Tyler you say ? http://www.mtncartoons.com/master_20reactions.htm

Intelligent single panel cartoons by professional cartoonist Marc Tyler Nobleman on business ... They're all too damn smart" "I’m sitting here looking at some of the funniest ...