Uganda blames leaked U.N. report for escalation in Congo conflict
(Reuters) - Uganda on Tuesday blamed the escalation of fighting in eastern Congo on a leaked U.N. report that accused it and Rwanda of supporting Congolese rebels, a document Kampala said damaged its mediation efforts.

Uganda has vigorously denied the U.N. charges, which emerged in October, and Junior Foreign Affairs Minister Asuman Kiyingi said Kampala had been forced to retreat from its mediating role.

The so-called M23 rebels entered parts of the eastern Congolese city of Goma on Tuesday. On Monday, Rwanda, which also denies the U.N. accusations, accused the government in Kinshasa of shelling its territory, ratcheting up tensions in the Great Lakes region.

The UNSC a peace spoiler?
In fact, in that case, some how, may be