The BBC News today had an interview with a UN official in DRC, he explained their role was to support the DRC's armed forces; so if they fled Goma the UN could not act and now they would protect the local population. Not yet found a reference to this interview on the BBC's website.

Amidst the BBC's reports is this:
the peacekeepers are perceived as ineffectual, both by the people they are mandated to protect, and by the rebels themselves.

From the BBC's UN reporter:
The DR Congo peacekeepers - known by their acronym Monusco - are authorised to use force to protect civilians and support Congolese army operations against rebel groups and militias competing for control of mineral wealth in the lawless east of the country.

What a bizarre situation for the UN to be. Doubtless the result of a mandate decided in New York and after discussions with the troop contributors.

Incidentally the majority are from the Indian sub-continent; tbeen he UN data has not updated since May 2011: