Well, that case was something that was expected. Prof. Schindler's article quite correctly points how the political scene is divided here.

Most right-wing politicans belive that they are under attack from post -communist and pro-russian conspiracy. Our main right-wing party Law & Justice won the elections in 2005, with anti-corruption and criminal-fighting agenda. Their cabinet was political failure, and they lost elections in 2007 after the parliament voted for its own dissolution due to imposiibility to form any goverment coalition. L&J still had the president, and there was 2010 Smolensk crash. Many right-wing politicans, journalist and activist belive it was assasination and tend to blame Russia and Civic Platform wich is ruling party here (altough in coalition with smaller, agrarian party) since 2007. Important thing to understand our right-wing politicans is their vision of politics is dominated by conspiratuons, agents, KGB spies and so on. They simply see them everywhere. They are also in alliance with footbal hollogans groups, wich in last 2-3 years became more nad more affiliated with mainstream right-wing parties.

The liberals and left-wing politicans often respond by similar agressive political moves. There's more anti-church resentiment, demand on left for less-centric agenda, we have now strong libertarian party in parliament, wich suports LGBT rights, liberal drug control policy and so on (something unthinkable 10 years ago - even former commies had good relationship with Catolic Curch).

It's not (still) Weimar Republic, but in 2010 there was active shooter case - one of breaus of L&J was attacked by a shooter, who killed one of the party workers (the shooter was arreseted and sentenced for life in prison) , now we have this. There are voices on right sied, wich support political violence, and there is posiible that another incidents will happen, from left or right.

One positive sign is the early detection and interception of preparator by domestic intelligence service. Looks like our system worked much better than many people thought