I'm happy to hear that the West is considering approaches other than re-radicalization. Disengagement from violence should be sufficient and potentially achievable. Trying to convince a person to give up their deeply held religious beliefs seems irrational, and quite frankly it flies in the face of the freedoms we have sworn to defend.

‘This is all based on their fundamental belief that they’re doing the right thing, they’re doing God’s will, so that’s a really challenging thing to overcome’
The CSC’s current approach is to focus on changing violent behaviour rather than ideological or religious beliefs, the government source said. Each offender has a customized correctional plan — a mix of spiritual counseling and social and educational programs. The CSC works with the Interfaith Committee on Chaplaincy to provide religious support for offenders.
This article in my opinion adds evidence that their positions have little to do with their economic status in life, so spending billions to support economic development will not address the underlying cause that motivates serious Islamists. We have a hard time understanding true believers when they're opposed to our way of life, we simply assume they're fighting us because they haven't reaped the benefits of it and we just give them more opportunity they'll drop their beliefs.