Just finished it, yesterday, and it was a good read. Postman's points about the destruction of religion and morality by "science" are well taken. Where we fall down is when we allow "scientists" to make what are fundamentally "moral" decisions, I cannot think of someone more ill-equipped to make moral decisions than a scientist. Provided that "science" has purposely removed morality from it's equation.

Postman is not a Luddite. He doesn't single out and condemn any particular technology; rather, he condemns our ready acceptance of technology as improvement.

In Neil Postman's honor, yesterday, on the standardized form that I filled out pursuant to getting my over 40 physical, I wrote in "interpretive dance" as my preferred method of receiving information, instead of "in a classroom, face-to-face, or on-line."

I think this book is relevant to the conduct of Small Wars, especially in our criticism of the "management by numbers" crowd who fight via powerpoint.