Are there significant western governance failures in designing, gaining acceptance, and implementing changes to the social contract? Would this lead to measurable (peer reviewed) social instability? A global estimate of 60 year olds has risen from 200 million in 1950, to 760 million in 2009, and is projected to hit 2 billion people by 2050. Youth unemployment & underemployment - if nothing else - detracts from the ability to care for the 60+ demographic by reducing the amount of time to gain & hone skills and fund, via taxation, a portion of the costs the 60+ cohort has not saved for (or subjected to pension shortfalls). It would seem to follow that taxation rates would need to at least meet a transparent cost breakout of items of social value that a democratic society has agreed to fund (rule of law, education, infrastructure, vulnerable demographic cohorts, security, etc). Are there examples of western governance directly engaging the population at large in a substantive discussion regarding these topics? Switzerland perhaps?

WEF Global Risks Report, 2012,

Restoring Fiscal Equilibrium in the United States, by William R. Cline, Peterson Institute for International Economics, June 2012,

How the [US] Tax Burden Has Changed [1980-2010], NYT Graphic, 29 Nov 2012,