
U.S. Public Opinion on Torture, 2001–2009

Many journalists and politicians believe that during the Bush administration, a majority of Americans supported torture if they were assured that it would prevent a terrorist attack. As Mark Danner wrote in the April 2009 New York Review of Books, “Polls tend to show that a majority of Americans are willing to support torture only when they are assured that it will ‘thwart a terrorist attack.’” This view was repeated frequently in both left and right leaning articles and blogs, as well as in European papers (Sharrock 2008; Judd 2008;Koppelman 2009; Liberation 2008).There was a consensus, in other words, that throughout the years of the Bush administration, public opinion surveys tended to show a pro-torture American majority.

But this view was a misperception. Using a new survey dataset on torture collected duringthe 2008 election, combined with a comprehensive archive of public opinion on torture, we show here that a majority of Americans were opposed to torture throughout the Bush presidency. This stance was true even when respondents were asked about an imminent terrorist attack, even when enhanced interrogation techniques were not called torture, and even when Americans were assured that torture would work to get crucial information. Opposition to torture remained stable and consistent during the entire Bush presidency. Even soldiers serving in Iraq opposed the use of torture in these conditions. As we show in the following, a public majority in favor of torture did not appear until, interestingly, six months into the Obama administration. (Reed College Symposium)
Public Opinion on US Torture, 2001-2009 - Reed College Symposium Paper


Elizabethan Crime and Punishment - www.william-shakespeare.info

What we can learn from the torture scene in Shakespeare's King Lear - firedoglake - 3.14.2010


Lingchi - wikipedia


Medieval Torture - medievality.com


The Water Cure - new yorker - 2.25.2008


Torture Practices of the Ancient World - spiegel - 5.15.2009