Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
However, in fairness to the Politicians, Republican and Democratic, their failures in this regard were broadly supported. One shouldn't forget that the Psychiatric and Psychologist communities were broadly but actively and decisively supportive of that dismantling for 'professional' -- or financial due to our terribly flawed medical insurance model (and the ever changing, ever interesting DSM) -- reasons...

Like any foul up, there's egg for a lot of faces
You know something, as usual You are absolutely right!!!! My own Governor, who I voted for, is not just a Republican, but he is a Doctor.... a Medical Doctor!! and he went to the only proper University in the world, The University of Alabama but he thinks what he did is a good thing....I just can't figure these people out, somehow they think by simply ignoring and not properly funding things that somehow things are just going to magically fix themsleves......it's the invisible hand theory of Mental Health and the role of Government.