The Indian military spokesman, with my emphasis:
The body of one of the soldiers was found mutilated in a forested area on the side controlled by India...(he) denied Indian media reports that one body had been decapitated and another had its throat slit..
The Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman:
Two Indian soldiers were killed in the attack and their bodies subjected to barbaric and inhuman mutilation.
Well I suppose that counts for clarity Indian style!

Back to my question and Ray's answer on activity along the LoC:
Firing and small skirmishes are common along the 740-km (460-mile) LoC despite a ceasefire that was agreed in 2003.

However, incursions by troops from either side are rare. Retired Indian army Brigadier...said Tuesday's incident - about 600 metres from the de facto border - marked the most serious infiltration since the ceasefire was put in place.