Dr. Omar Ashour, from Exeter University, weighs in on 'The Algerian Tragedy', a country that has drifted out of Western attention until the recent incident. He starts with:
Let’s start by stating the obvious: AQIM is not a product of the Arab Spring. AQIM exists because of the military coup that ended the “Algerian Spring” two decades ago. And it has not been strengthened by the Libyan revolution, but rather by the failure of state-building in North Mali, the absence of post-conflict reconciliation and reintegration in Algeria, and a lack of accountability for a shadowy Algerian security establishment whose brutal methods have proved woefully inadequate to the challenge.

A short backgrounder and a salutary reminder that most of Algeria was pacified at a huge cost, the war continues albeit mainly in the far south, with virtually no people to "swim amongst".