The Indian PM who was born in Gah Pakistan has put his political life on the line trying to make peace with Pakistan.

At each step, he seems to be at sea with the Pakistani response. Still he bats on!

There is nothing wrong with Indians or Pakistanis.

it is just that there is a trust deficit.

In the first war, it was said by Pakistan it was tribal and Pak army men on leave who were inflamed and so they attacked! Imagine that!

Who provided the logistics and it is surprising that Army men 'on leave' can take their country to war!

In 1965, it was said by Pakistan that it were Indian Kashmiris who were 'rebelling' against India. It turned out the so called rebels were Pakistani troops operating under Op Gibraltar.

In Kargil, the Pakistan Army and Musharraf claimed that it were the Mujhaeedins who infiltrated. Now Pakistan Generals and a Colonel all from ISI has gone on record that it was always the Pakistani Army which was in action and not mujhadins.

Musharraf continues to deny it and he did so on Indian TV.

It is time to own up, clear the air, get trust back and move ahead.

There has been too much of bloodshed.