Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
regarding warning shots

According to Germany's Der Spiegel, German police shot only 85 bullets in all of 2011, a stark reminder that not every country is as gun-crazy as the U.S. of A. As Boing Boing translates, most of those shots weren't even aimed anyone: "49 warning shots, 36 shots on suspects. 15 persons were injured, 6 were killed."

That's competence, not an "invitation to criminally negligent homocide".
Supposing people should go for the kill with the first shot (or salvo) is such a thing instead.
Just my pesky self from this little corner of the earth

Did you read that link at Boing Boing ? Strange place for supporting information, but then, I have a few too

The only thing I really worry about when it comes to warning shots, is, they generally return to earth nearly as fast as they left. Serving in Africa where everything was a warning shot on full auto, I fear a lot more innocent people were shot than that of those actually being aimed at.

In defense of this post, I will only say that the BPOL as well as the German Border Guard (we work and train with both) are a tough crowd and have never appeared friendly. They mean business and using a firearm is the least of your worries. They do have some sweet looking H&Ks