We're both staying up too late.

I've no real SMEese on the statitics re: firearm laws and regulations. 9,000 laws and regulations sounds a plausible number to me. Anyway the number is not that material. The laws and regs are already divided into classes for the most part. So, general paradigms can developed for each class: delete, amend, leave as is. After that, it's basically legal scut work.

The stats on prosecutions are from TRAC at Syracuse Univ., which I linked in an earlier post here. I know what its database knows.

I live in a back-woods, conservative, populist, gun-owning county. We do not have that many gun problems. We are neither Detroit nor Milwaukee. I'd say that a felony + gun (using gun in commission) = enhanced penalties, as also a felon + gun (no other felony) = enhanced penalties. Other violations (say of conservation weapon regs) would likely be soft-pedeled. I've looked (a little bit) for Detroit and Milwaukee stats on illegal weapons prosecutions (Fed and state), but came up empty.

A couple of months ago, Ed Flynn (Milwaukee CoP and a "gun controller plus") stated there were just south of 12,000 illegal firearms seized in Milwaukee over the last 4-5 years. He didn't say how many cases (if any) were prosecuted. Last week, Dave Clarke, the Milwaukee County sheriff (pro-gun), advised every citizen to purchase a firearm and become proficient in its use; to which Chief Flynn responded.

Milwaukee County Sheriff: 'You Have A Duty To Protect Yourself'.

Milwaukee Police Chief says Sheriff Clarke trying to 'terrorize' city

So, all sorts of controversy between the "gun controllers" (Mayor Barrett & Chief Flynn) and the "gun rightser" (Sheriff Clarke). I'll stand with the sheriff, who keeps Justice Thomas' McDonald opinion well in mind.

BTW: the City of Chicago and a suburb paid the court-ordered $1.4 million in McDonald legal costs to the NRA - Chicago payment checks signed "Raum Emmanuel".

Thought you might enjoy this sidebar - which proves there's a lot of division 350 miles south of us.

