Quote Originally Posted by kotkinjs1 View Post
But back to your point, training prepared me well to break the ice with Afghans, get them comfortable with my friendliness and openness, and show them that I'm making an effort...which is very important towards relationship and trust building.
The people in this discussion are mostly quite proficient in some other languages. I am not. For somebody like me kotkinjs1's point above is of supreme importance. It cannot be overstated. They know you are never going to be able to get much but they respect you for trying. Combine that with old fashioned gentlemanly behavior and most of the people you work with will be favorably inclined toward you. That, literally, can save your life.

Most people who go overseas won't get much beyond the "Donde esta el bano?" stage but even that level can be hugely helpful, especially when combined with the right attitude.