Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
Do you think there is a possibility that some of the private companies in the US who are victimized by Red China (they are probably ticked off) will get tired of US gov inaction and do some monkey-wrenching on their own?
Sounds like something Sy-Fy might option : the gruff-but-loveable head of a multinational that funds all sorts of do-gooder projects with some of their obscene profits takes it in the pants from those inscrutable perils of the East. His precious snowflake spawn are also scriptkiddies on the sly and they launch a devastating counterattack unbeknownst to daddy and his corporate security.
This of course triggers a PLA SPECOPS/Tong Gang kidnapping, with an epic fireball-filled conclusion.
The hackers can be played by some of those sparkly vampire types, but who takes the CEO's role? Bruce Willis?

Laugh now, but remember : Art imitates life. Life imitates art.