This link has a video of shia passengers being slaughtered by the LEJ in Balochistan (in paknationalist discourse, the US is responsible for these killings and RAW and MOSSAD control the killers...I doubt it, given the killers own willingness to take credit, but comments welcome). My comments are in the link, but I will reproduce them here as well since all of us are link shy at some level.

It took a lot of work (partition, two nation theory,Punjab holocaust, madressas, CIA, ISI) to get to this level of cold blooded hatred. And of course, the roots go back much further, all the way into our species and its biological evolution (though like Ghataprabha, I too fantasize about the goodness of the folk versus the evil of the elite, but then..)…anyhow, whatever the cause, these particular dogs are now rabid. As major Amin says, the handlers themselves are deluded if they think they can still use these canines for some “higher aim”. They will bite everyone. Their handlers included. And the SSG (Pakistan’s special services group commandos) are not going after them anytime soon. Some people think its because the strategic geniuses in the army still feel these are “our boys” , to be used later in Afghanistan and India. I think they may tell themselves that (everyone needs to feel their choices are good) but I am inclinded to think its mostly because the dogs are rabid and nobody wants to be bitten and its easy to delude yourself that your “restraint” is some sort of genius strategic plan and soon Amrika will leave and all will be well.

It will get worse before it gets better.

I am willing to blame progress and modern ideologies and capitalism as much as the next man. Well, maybe not as much, but a fair amount. But then I think about Babur slaughtering Pakhtuns, Abdali slaughtering Punjabis and Nadir Shah pretty much slaughtering everyone and have to pause.