
The "mystery" of Bosco Ntaganda redition will come to light with time. What seems already proven is that someone was waiting for him in Rwanda when he crossed the border.
The Congolese have been accusing Rwanda to host Bosco as soon as Saturday.
Rwanda denies hosting rebel sought by ICC

Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo dismissed allegations by DR Congo government spokesman Lambert Mende who had said that Mr Ntaganda had crossed into Rwanda.

Now it is repeated at will in the news papers, under anonyma, that Bosco feared for his life in Rwanda.

Report offers clues to warlord’s sudden surrender at U.S. Embassy

“I’m sure he was much more scared of us than the [US] embassy because he has caused some friction,” a senior Rwandan military official told the FT, adding that he believed Gen Ntaganda feared for his life. “The information we had consistently coming from his people was that he was heading deeper and deeper into the forest but that was a deception to our intelligence.”

I let you make up your mind, knowing Rwanda psyops/desinformation capacities.

The real question is what Rwanda will do with the other 500 to 700 M23 rebel fighters who entered Rwanda when Bosco was defeated by the Makenga wing.
For memories, they are war criminals under UN sanctions too.