Quote Originally Posted by ganulv View Post

Here it is looking from the other direction, where it (or at least this segment) is apparently the closest thing the DPRK has to a tourist attraction. Weird, but hardly the weirdest thing going on there, I guess.
Great video, Matt !
The DMZ has attracted tourists for years, even the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders on the southern side.

While I was there a north Korean kindergarden class came for a visit with 3-year olds spitting at us. Can't imagine what they were being taught and now can only imagine what those same kids are like as adults.

The building filled with explosives is real. In fact, the entire MSR1 from Freedom Bridge to Seoul has huge overpasses (without roads leading anywhere) also filled with explosives. Once blown, no way of getting to the capital via armored vehicle unless you want to take a stab at driving a tank through a rice patty