Quote Originally Posted by Firn View Post
In this specific case the amazing amount of visual data stored on phones, cameras and so forth should help the investigation a good deal. Most of that should be tagged with time and location. It seems highly unlikely that there is no visual trace about how those bombs got there and no intel to extract.

P.S: Just read that a suspect got arrested based on two videos. It is obviously only part of the story, in any case hopefully they got the right person.
Slap can check me on this but that video stuff often sounds a lot better than it is. Most of it by necessity shoots from the top down and you can hinder it with a hat. Ground level stuff will be cluttered with intervening bodies. They undoubtedly will get some good evidence from all the photos and videos but it ain't magic.

An accident at the Reno Air races involving a P-51 was an example though of video proving to be of vital importance in finding a cause. If you look at the NTSB report it is filled with extremely detailed images, some of parts actually failing in flight. The report is fascinating. The aircraft was N79111 if you want to find it on the net.