Estonia’s capital was calm this morning after a second night of rioting.

Reports are approx. 60 injured, 47 hospitalized and 600 detained.

Groups of ethnic Russian teens roamed the streets battling with police and looting shops for a second night.

Yesterday evening rioting also started in the northeastern town of Jõhvi. An Estonian radio correspondent said that a crowd of about 200 gathered in the Center Square at around 2200 and within the next hour rampaging had gained full force. In true Russian form, smashing windows at two different shopping centers and traffic signs pulled out of the ground, one of which was thrown into a window of a local bank office. By 2400, Estonian TV reported police had subdued the rioting in Jõhvi.

A New Twist
Police began an early counter attack and now armed with 12-ga. shotguns moved into a proactive role pushing the rioters well outside of previous perimeters. Local Estonians bearing their own flags joined police and clashed with Russians, bring the tempo up a well as a good warm and fuzzy patriotic feeling

The Estonian media also began doing their part by publishing pictures of looters asking for residents to assist police in identifying suspects. In the last 3 hours more than 40 have been picked up and cross-referenced with footage.

Russian authorities strongly criticized the monument’s relocation as pro-Nazi in public statements. Estonia continues to support the relocation because the monument has become a focal point of extremist activity for nationals, and its presence glorifies a repressive Stalin regime that the Russian Army brought with it.