Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
Ms. Applebaum is leading the charge in the predictable "What did we do to bring this upon ourselves?" onslaught of articles. Geesh a couple of guys commit mass murder and maiming and its our fault. But I guess that is how some members of the media, maybe a lot of members, make their living, blame the Americans.

Black hat saying he didn't have any American friends is what black hat says about himself. Woe is him. There were apparently two black hats, the one before he became a jerk and the one after. Jerks don't generally have a lot of friends.



It is no surprise the after black hat didn't have friends, if in fact he didn't.

Ms. Applebaum also didn't do full research about Beslan. (see Bourbon's post above.)
We should have done what was talked about briefly after 911 and that was to close our borders to any immigration for 10 years. And start deporting anybody left that doesn't swear total and complete allegiance to the USA. Post a very large Peace Bond and surrender their first born male child...ok maybe that is a little bit to much but we should stop all immigration for 10 years, should look at the Peace Bond idea to especially from Muslim countries.