Without knowing the situation on the ground I think that the chances to exclude especially gold from the supply chains running from eastern Kongo to Burundi are pretty slim.
The funniest in that story is the fact that it is in Uganda that the real gold business is taking place. Gold in Uganda is supposed to come from Uganda and South Sudan, officially. They could also mention the moon, it would be as true.

Sad but true: training by the best of the best does not change anything in the field

US-trained Congolese battalion among units accused of rape
For U.S. diplomats and military officials who were involved in training a Congolese army unit, a troubling question loomed: Would the 391st Commando Battalion serve as protectors of the population or would they revert to acts of sexual violence once on the battlefield?

A United Nations report released this week indicates that their worst fears have been realized and that efforts at building up a Congolese unit of benevolent soldiers has failed.

The report, issued Wednesday by the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office, accused members of the 391st Commando Battalion — which was trained by special forces troops assigned to U.S. Africa Command — and other Democratic Republic of Congo troops of engaging in a range of atrocities, including the mass rape of women and young girls in eastern Congo.