Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
Considering that the sketch looks more like a paratrooper platoon leader than someone who would have gone "over the beach," I suspect that the map and such were considered necessary based on what had been learned from the drops in Sicily.

ETA: From reading the Slate post, it seems odd that this would have been based on someone with the 29th. The whole rig is very 82nd/101st. There was a hope, I think, that the breakthrough would be quick, but I don't think there was any realistic possibility of changing the landing locations.
I had that thought, especially since I wouldn’t think anyone coming ashore would want to secure anything to your boots like that. But did the paratroopers jump and glide with life preservers like that?

The sketch is definitely cataloged with material related to the 29th. That doesn’t mean it is not miscataloged or that the artist might not have sketched a compilation or simply have been in error.

Did the Rangers kit up any differently?