Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
A rather intellectual analysis on display.

Nothing to refute, but an overflow of bile.

An unique void in facts!

Indeed, the countries on the SCS rim are all wrong and bigoted.

The Chinese whipping out maps with dots and dashes are the only thing that is acceptable on this Planet Earth, right?

Remember Sima Qian's, China's 'grand historian' is based on myths and hearsay and the Chinese believe that it is irrefutable history!
I'll let you answer this yourself chief.

Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
Another of the usual hyperboles that are meaningless and trite, more so when you don't know anything about me.
Your goose should've been cooked back when you tried to pin being a "China Champion and apologist" on Robert C. Jones and then went on to trash talk Ken White. That was pretty ####ing bogus.


If others find your interminable hogwash credible, more power to 'em. Enjoy