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Thread: Pakistan's Bin Laden dossier: no whitewash but a savage piece of self-analysis

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  1. #5
    Council Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    p-177 and p-185 are the heart of the problem: ISI doesnt do much good but it doesnt let anyone else do their job either. This dual regime, where a mysterious "agency" is present in every corner of the country and shows up to take charge of anything remotely connected to "security" is the number one reason Pakistan is lagging even behind India's corrupt and hugely incompetent state in terms of effectiveness and ability to deliver. Once they show up, everything disappears into a black hole with no one accountable or responsible. No wonder the whole country is overrun with conspiracy theories. (a situation also systematically cultivated by the highly successful psyops brigade of people like Ahmed Qureshi and Zaid Hamid and many many others, all said to be paid by the finest agency in the world.... which could be just another conspiracy theory for all we know, maybe Zaid Hamid's accountant made his disclosures as part of some conspiracy as well. Who knows? and even if someone knows, who can tell who is telling the truth?).
    Pasha's passive-aggressive whiny testimony provides great insight into the petty and pathetic level at which the masters actually operate. Bin Laden is not the only Oz exposed in this report.
    Note that elementary things like "who cut down the trees", or "what local girl was married to his son" or "who did they stay with, who helped them move around" etc are all missing. Not the commission's fault, they are the ones who point this out, but in a normal state the police or the FBI equivalent would have to answer those questions. In Pakistan, it disappears under the heading "agencies" and no one asks any questions after that. Which is also why the police and everyone else ignored that house in the first place. No elaborate arrangements would be needed. Someone vaguely related to some military intel agency (not even active duty, not even local) just had to drop the hint that the matter involved "national security" and everyone would mind their own business.
    As General Pasha pointed out, those who are afraid of the ISI, SHOULD be afraid of it.
    That list apparently does not include either CIA spies or Alqaeda terrorists.
    All is well.
    And do read kamran Shafi:
    Last edited by omarali50; 07-11-2013 at 07:27 PM.

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