This is my opinion and only opinion, but it is based on 21 years as a federal narcotics agent. The Drug War is a misnomer because one fights a war they want to win - I think. But, the fact that it has not been won or we are lsoing is not just the fault of law enforcement - society bears a lot of the blame too.

The militarization of law enforcement is a valid point and I believe law enforcement has lost sight of the fact they are here to serve and not rule. From my experience police departments and sheriff's offices are using SWAT teams or SWAT like teams to do all warrants because of the public bitching. Officers show up to knock on a door to ask someone questions and he throws rounds at em. The officers throw rounds back and an innocent bystander gets hurt or killed and now the public is asking why were these officers not "specialists"?

I'm amazed at the amount of crap that guys carry for simply narcotics search warrants. And the guns, everyone has an AR - who the hell is gonna be the "contact" person?

Don't get me I believe that law enforcement should always be in zone red - prepared and ready to react, but if guys want to run around with ARs, fatigues, etc then join the service.