It was interesting to see that Gentile had anything constructive to say. Almost everything I have seen from his was simply a biased attack on counterinsurgency. It's nice to see a constructive comment.

You should write something. It seems you have collected a fair amount of material. You should write something. I would read it.

I think that the American military makes some fundamental errors in trying to define itself and its mission. Most of these are a reflection of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. First, we try to find the biggest threat and prepare for it rather than look to what our political masters are most likely to ask us to do. This leads us to look for near peer competitors even where they really don't exist. Second, we look to history for examples rather than realizing that the world fundamentally changed after the creation of the UN. We don't have the freedom to take certain actions or use certain tactics that were part and parcel of the war prior to that point. Finally, we fail to realize that in many of the far reaches of the world we are the only organization that works. Yeah, democracy is great, but it is not really the best way to conduct operations, or perhaps even run a country.