A critical question, related to the nature of the conflict, is why radical Islamic groups attack the west. Is it because they are the mortal enemy or is it simply to remove western influence so they can get on with their own agenda? Or is it an advertising campaign to get their brand better known and draw more support for their political agenda. Is it an effort to be seen as the defender of Islam against the great Satan, in turn marginalizing the influence of the moderates? The answer to these questions is important because it influences the nature of the prosecution and I'm keen to get a broad range of opinions.
I think the answer has elements of all of these issues mentioned.

I also think a mutually agreed partition scheme would be the only sustainable answer, but the blood-letting has been too great to avoid a full-blown civil war in order to get to a point where partitioning could be viewed as being in the best interest of all parties. Sadly, we are past the point of no return in these areas, but the way ahead is equally dark and dangerous.