A Swedish response to the Open Democracy article:
It´s a good article with many salient points. The police have long been struggling with the inner city suburbs and have little credibility there. Ii doesn’t help to recruit from minorities. A show of force didn’t work either and nowadays the police presence in the areas concerned is extremely limited. Cases often go without investigation because of lack of resources and help from the population. Immigrants in those are treated as a people apart from the rest and left to solve their own problems. There is a strong suspicion e.g. that three recent deaths around here in which three girls fell to their death from balconies were honor killings but nothing can be proved and prosecutors have even stated publicly that they have no chance of ever getting convictions in these cases. However, there are also quite a few criminal gangs taking advantage of the situation and, very unfortunately, the police shooting that is mentioned in the article is now cast in doubt since different versions of what really happened have surfaced and police officers are publicly criticizing each other. It’s a mess and there is no solution in sight. Personally I think a combination of all the solutions is needed and above all to make sure that people living in the areas get jobs. The unemployment rate in these areas is 70-90%!