I was slightly surprised that Violent Non-State Actors (VNSA) was actually an abbreviation in use here, ah well cannot recall everything here

So thanks to Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, vai al-Wasat blog we have the list and his explanation:
The study of VNSAs is thus a young and developing academic field, and scholars examining VNSAs will experience both the joys and also the pitfalls of working on a relatively new topic. The theoretical literature is highly uneven, with some extraordinarily well developed concepts mixed with a battery of assumptions that the field may no longer adhere to in four or five years.

This semester I’m teaching a course on violent non-state actors for Georgetown University’s security studies program, the first such class that the program has offered (although it has offered courses examining terrorism and counterterrorism for many years). A number of colleagues have expressed interest in seeing my syllabus, or having me provide a reading list. Thus, to assist other scholars with an interest in VNSAs, I’ve compiled the following reading list, largely based on my course syllabus.

The list whilst global in reach naturally reflects a US focus and priorities, so if anyone has suggestions, especially if available on-line, please add a post.